email: bf.education@hotmail.co.uk Phone: (0161) 737 4790
BF Education Sevices CIC
Alternative Vocational Centre for 12-16 year olds
Building Lives
One Step at a time

Our Ethos
Every learner that attends Brighter Futures comes to us with their own, sometimes complex needs, from social, emotional and behavioural needs to academic. It is important for us to assess and plan for each individual. Learner’s progress in both academic and pastoral are monitored and recorded with regular feedback to parents / carers, schools, and other support agency’s involved with the individual learner.
Individual Learning Plans:
During the initial assessment period with us, an Individual Learning Plan is designed with input from staff and the learner. An ILP is an important part of the assessment, learning, achievement and support of the learner, it encourages the learner to be more active and take responsibility for their progress. The ILP will include Smart targets and reachable goals not only in the learners’ education but also their personal and social development.
Reviews with the learners on their progress take part every 2 weeks, targets are evaluated and new ones set. This also gives the leaner to express their views and thoughts to staff.
A weekly report is completed on learner’s activities and behaviour as well as attendance and time keeping, which can be forwarded to the referring schools if required.
We aim to:
Enable all learners to learn and develop their skills and knowledge to the best of their ability;
Promote a positive attitude towards learning, so that learners enjoy attending, and acquire a solid basis for lifelong learning
Allow learners to be creative and to develop their own thinking;
Teach learners the basic skills of literacy, numeracy and information technology
Help, guide, encourage and motivate leaners to take responsibility not only for themselves and their actions but also their education, future and others.
BF Education
Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils,
and works to prepare students that attend with us for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.